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Jerking during acceleration.

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  • Jerking during acceleration.

    PH 1118-192281
    I have a 2011 Club car Precedent. When I press the pedal to accelerate to the floor, the cart begins to jerk until I reach full speed. If I slowly press the pedal, it will not jerk. What is the problem with my cart? My batteries will not stay charged long. I did run them pretty low, but all 6 have 8.4 volts or better. Please help.

  • #2
    The jerking sensation when accelerating might be due to a few potential factors. Given that the cart accelerates smoothly when you press the pedal slowly but jerks when pushed to the floor, it could be related to the cart's controller. This behavior sometimes occurs when there's an imbalance or strain in the power delivery from the controller to the motor.

    Since you mentioned that your batteries aren't holding a charge for long, it's possible that the batteries might be struggling to provide a consistent and adequate power supply. Even if the individual battery voltages seem fine, a load test on the batteries might reveal more about their health and performance under load.

    Another aspect to consider is the throttle mechanism, particularly the throttle sensor or the MCOR (Motor Controller Output Regulator). Any irregularities or wear in these components might cause erratic acceleration patterns.

    As for the batteries not holding a charge for long, even with seemingly good voltages, it could point to deeper issues within the batteries, such as internal resistance or capacity problems. A comprehensive battery health check beyond voltage readings might shed light on their overall condition.


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