G9 Gas Schematic


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  • G9 Gas Schematic

    I have 91 G9 gas that I get no click from the solenoid when I depress the pedal. I was looking at the schematic and I don't see how the 12 positive gets to the stater relay to activate it? Is the schematic missing a wire or am I missing something?

    Thanks for any help.

  • #2
    were you looking at this one? http://www.golfcartsforum.com/golf-c...g-diagram.html

    I can load up a bigger version if this will help you?


    • #3
      Yes, that is the schematic that I have. I don't see how the red wire from the starter relay gets any positive voltage.


      • #4
        Here is the practical connection:

        1. Connect a wire (red) from the positive battery side to the key switch. A wire from the key switch is connected to one side of a microswitch adjacent to the pedal.

        2. The other side of the microswitch is wired to one of the smaller solenoid poles. (There are 4 poles in a typical solenoid: 2 big ones and 2 small ones) . It does not matter which one of the two.

        3. When you turn on the switch, all you have to do is press the pedal and the circuit is complete.

        4. By the way, the other small pole of the solenoid is attached to GROUND.

        5. The other big pole of the solenoid is attached to the starter gen (F2).


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