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  • Year?

    I have an EZGO Workhorse ST Model E303. What year is it?

  • #2
    Figuring out the year of your EZGO Workhorse ST will take a little detective work. First off, check under the seat on the cross rail for a serial number sticker, or give the frame rail above the right rear tire a look for an engraved serial number. The serial number serves as an identification marker for the golf cart's model and year. However, the presence can vary. Over time, stickers may fade, peel off, or become obscured due to wear and tear, exposure to the elements, or previous maintenance work. Similarly, engraved serial numbers may be less visible if they've been covered by dirt, rust, or other debris, especially if the cart has been used in muddy environments. Additionally, manufacturing variations may result in serial numbers being placed in different locations or omitted altogether. Therefore, while these locations are common for serial numbers, it's not guaranteed that they'll be present or easily identifiable on every cart.

    A different method to estimate the year without using the serial number is by observing the steering column tube at the floor, take note of the number of holes present. If you've got 3, that's the old school frame mounted steering, probably pre 2001. But if you see 4, that's the newer axle mounted rack, likely post 2001. Though the switch happened around 2001, some ST and Workhorse models stuck with the old setup past that year. This occurs because even after the transition, Ezgo tends to continue with the old setup until their stock of old spare parts are fully depleted.

    Now for workhorse parts, most things are pretty interchangeable throughout the years except for the front suspension. If there's a trailer hitch receiver bolted onto the front, its likely one of the old style axles. To figure out which engine you have, check where the clutch sits. If it's on the driver's side, you're likely looking at a Robin engine. But if it's on the passenger side, it's probably a Kawasaki engine. If you have any questions feel free to ask


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