Newbie with battery questions.


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  • Newbie with battery questions.

    I have a 2006 Yamaha G22 48 Volt. Six 8 volt batteries. I bought it used about a month ago. It charges up fine, but have noticed that my state of charge meter has gone down quicker and quicker over the past month. It actually quit on me the other day with about half charge showing on the meter. I thought I may have a controller problem but when I finally got it home I checked the batteries with tester. I got 8.2 to 8.3 volts on 5 of them, but on one only showed 7.5 volts. I charged it up overnight, soc meter went to full scale...5 batteries read 8.5 volts or better, but the bad one from the night before showed 7.9 volts. My question is should I just replace the one battery and probably get 6 mos to a year out of the rest if they seem to be taking full charge or do I need to replace all of them? Money is obviously the factor here, I planned on probably replacing all of them in a year or so anyway (based on the age and the bank being mixed together). There are some 2010 batteries with some 2008's. As always, thanks again for the help.

  • #2
    I am not a battery guy, but one bad battery will spoil the whole lot over time.


    • #3
      Thanks for the response krustybucket. I actually purchased just one new battery and replaced the one that was showing bad readings and haven't had anymore problems. My state of charge meter is now staying full after 15-30 min rides around town, whereas before it was getting cut in half. I just hope that I caught it before I lost a lot of life out of the good batteries. I also did a lot more research on the batteries themselves and have come to the conclusion that it is best to replace the entire bank of batteries at one time (only to get the most out of your money) because that brand new battery I just bought will only be as good as the weakest from the remaining five. Someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that is the rule of thumb I've found to be the most common among battery experts.


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