Why am I loosing seals


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  • Why am I loosing seals

    Hello all, I have an 89 ez go with a 2 stroke robin engine. I did a total rebuild on it new piston cylinder crank and bearings and new seals. I put it all back together and lost the seal on the fan side. I put a new seal in and with in minutes the thing was leaking again. when I turn the motor over exhaust comes out of the seal. Why would there be so much pressure in the case to blow out the seal??????

  • #2
    Hello, clean everything, the crankshaft end, everywhere around where the seal goes and the new seal itself. When you get the new seal, install it evenly by covering it with a piece of wood and tapping it with a hammer or by using aluminum stock and tapping it with a hammer or ask EZGO about their seal installation tool.

    I think that you may be installing them incorrectly, that is why they are blowing so quick.


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