Best (Year) Precedent to Buy?


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  • Best (Year) Precedent to Buy?

    I am shopping for a used cart and have focused on a Precedent. (The golf course where I live has them [2010's] and I like them) although the regen braking takes a little getting used to. Are there advantages to any particular maybe the newer ones are more complex and thereby more of a PITA to work on? If the older ones are just as good (or maybe better?) how far back would you suggest I look model year-wise; i.e., what should be my cutoff year in your opinion? Also, I plan to spray paint the body and add just a few accessories (brush guard with lights, 10" wheels and tires, dash) and I am wondering if the lower body trim (the black delrin-type plastic "stuff") can be "revitalized"......some of the used ones I have seen on Craig's List have "faded to gray" a bit. The owner's manuals I have downloaded simply say not to use wax or they will become discolored.

    I understand any of the Club Car 48v (and late model 36 v I suppose) can be dealer-programmed to run about 19MPH on the streets w/o any noticeable loss in hill-climbing torque. I prefer that (but not faster) for the 25MPH gated retirement community where I live.

    Your comments/suggestions greatly appreciated,

    Ed S in Fairview, TX

  • #2
    Precedents, IMO are not the cart to buy, mainly because of the 4x12v battery set up. They were introduced in about 2004 and up until 2010 have had serious battery life issues. The batteries commonly last about 2-3 years where most carts last anywhere from 5-8 years.
    If you have your heart set on a Club Car, I would stay with the DS cart that has the same running characteristics as the Precedent but uses the traditional 6x8v battery set up.
    I'm an Ezgo guy and prefer it's simplicity where you can add a simple $5 chip and get 18mph out of a stock 36v cart. The added bonus to Ezgo is there are more custom parts made for them and they are generally cheaper than comparable CC parts.
    If it's CC you want, I would look for a DS from 95 and up.
    If it's Ezgo, I would look for a 2001 and up.
    Both of these carts are available with either series or regen/sepex motors.
    If you are cruising the neighborhood, either will work but I would prefer the regen/sepex motor.
    If you plan to use it as a hunting vehicle, I would look for carts with series motors for their ability to develop a higher starting torque.


    • #3
      Thanks a TON. Looks like I need to give EZ-Go another look. Matter of fact, I have been told that before...... i.e., that a significant percentage of the guys who have modified one or more carts seem to prefer the EZ-Go. I sure don't have any product loyalty issues + it sounds like the club here that owns about a gazillion Precedents may be in for some higher maintenance costs than the old Club Cars they traded in...............'course they may have a "deal" of some sort with the distributor.

      Appreciate the advice.................Ed S.


      • #4
        Golf courses normally lease their carts so maintenance costs are usually a non-issue for them as most things are covered during the lease period.
        I am happy to supply any info you may need before you purchase.
        Good luck with your search.


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