Revised Review Section Introduction and Rules


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  • Revised Review Section Introduction and Rules

    Welcome to the completely new review section! Instead of showing a single pre-approved review from 1 user, I am turning this section into a spot for multiple golf cart, product and accessory owners to rate and write their personal experiences and reviews on a unit or part they have used. Yes even though there is a lock on the forum home page, you can post in this section.

    In this section, each thread is a specific golf cart, part or product you can rate and review based on your experience with it. I am restricting actual thread making (new products to review) to myself to keep this section clean and eliminate doubles; if you want to post your review of a product or golf cart that isn’t currently listed, PM me and I will decide if I should make a thread about it for rating and review. The rules and suggestions for this section are as follows:
    • Absolutely No discussing other peoples reviews, starting conversations, reinstating or quoting already posted reviews. (Some of this can be done in the general talk section or through PM)
    • Do not write reviews or post ratings that are knowingly false.
    • I recommend you own the product you are reviewing (or use it frequently) and use it according to the manufacturer’s suggested use.
    • If you are reviewing a golf cart it should be unmodified, if it is modified please list any in your review.
    Violating any of the above can put your access to this section at risk to be removed, so please respect these few rules that are in place.

  • #2
    I will start adding golf carts and parts for review within the next few months.


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