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How Do I prevent my golf cart from being stolen?

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  • How Do I prevent my golf cart from being stolen?

    You may not know it, but golf carts are in high demand today. That is why it is great to practice simple security steps to help keep your golf cart safe. After all, it can quite possibly save you tons of money and hard work in the future.

    Don't Make Them Tempted
    Never park where others can see it from distances. The less it is seen the less likely they will do anything.

    Use Locks
    There are steering locks available for many golf cart brands. Why stop at one? There are plenty of spots to put additional chains and locks for added security.

    Change Ignition
    Most golf carts of the same brand use the same exact key. If you have the correct experience, modify your ignition and make it more complex. Swap the old ignition with a custom ignition and custom key. Also, add a hidden cut-off switch that kills all power from the battery(s).

    Look into installing an alarm kit on your golf cart. Noise is a great way to attract attention, and also may be a thief’s worst nightmare!
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